måndag 26 januari 2009

God morgon

Dagens första tramsiga Messenger-konversation med B:

Henke säger:
Morni'n, sir, good-sir!

björn säger:
Top o´the mornin´ to ye GOOD SIR!

Henke säger:
AAAAAAAAh, yeesss, sir, good-sir! Just walkin' about, then, I'll say?

björn säger:
Oh I dare say good sir! Just a round-a-trip I dare say, I must say, good sir! Very pleasant if I may say so good sir

Henke säger:
Good show, good show! I say, sir, I rather BOOOLDLY asked my fiancé if she fanied a shaaaag, but she dreadfully declined, I say, sir.

björn säger:
Ashes sir, ashes! I must say I inquired sa much out of my pigeon sir! But Im afraid she´s as stiff as a fence post my GOOD SIR

Henke säger:
Oh lord of Dogtown, sir, I say sir! Oh, fiddlesticks, I suppose I have to give the ol' Long John a good gong-gong myself, don't you say so, oh sir?

björn säger:
Oh over the hill sir! Absolutely over the big hill sir, oh yes sir! Right´o off she went then sir, off she went! Aaaand I must say sir, I dont suppose there´s any chance of me dodging the train rather now is it sir, is it?

Henke säger:
I'd have to say there is no chance at all, wouldn't you agree then, ol chap? My good man, I feel I can't keep this up any longer for I'm laughinh mi' trousers off, right you are!

björn säger:
right you are then sir, right you are!

Henke säger:
Fine! Up and about, and a jolly good day to you, sir, good-sir.

björn säger:
Up and about sir! Up and about, and top o´the morning to ya GOOD SIR

Ett förstaklassigt exempel på hur B och jag inte kan låta bli att bete oss som idioter plus att vi har en enorm förmåga att följa varandras impulser. Detta pågår dagligen.

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